Yacine Khelladi
Economist, international
Project/program/policy design, implementation, management and evaluation.
Experience in: Digital Development,
Information and Communication Technologies for
Development (ICT4D), National ICT Policies and
Strategies, Digital
Agendas and Broadband Plans, Social and economic Development
policies, Access to Knowledge and Innovation, Research Networks
(NRENs), Monitoring and Evaluation, Telecentres,
Emerging Tech, Artificial Intelligeance Organizational Development, Open
Data, Open Government, Community Grassroots organizations - rural
- sustainable and Community Ecotourism Private
sector support, ICT strategic adoption in any sector,
multilingual and multi-stakeholder consultations,
facilitation ofCaribbean Open Institute (COI) , Knowledge
Management, , Networking Virtual communities and communities
of practice, strategic planning, gender
and environmental mainstreaming and analysis, NGO participation/engagement,
events organization, Haiti and Dominican Republic bi-national
issues, ICT's in the Caribbean, user focused evaluation
methodologies as Outcome Mapping EU Result Oriented
Monitoring, etc.
Work experience in Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Algeria, Barbados,
Bangladesh, Botswana, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Brazil, Colombia,
Dominican Republic, Dominica, El Salvador, Egypt, Ecuador, France,
Guatemala, Guyana, Grenada, Haiti, Iran, Jamaica, Jordan, Kenya,
Martinique, Malawi, Malaysia, Mexico, Mozambique, Morocco, Nicaragua,
Peru, Rwanda, Spain, Saudi Arabia, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia,
St Vincent,
Tunisia, South Africa, Spain, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia,
Uganda, USA, Venezuela, Wallis and Futuna, Zambia.

When I started
this web page in 1996
20 years later,
Email me for updated
version of my CV. Please precise the format and language (FR ES
Or find me on Linkedin
Few (now very old) publications here -
XContest tracks here
Executive Coordinator (volunteer) of Fundación Taigüey a
Dominican NGO that implements both grassroots community based
projects (community technology empowerment, cultural production,
knowledge access, non formal education sustainable community
based ecotourism, women cooperative doing agro processing,
environment, income and gender related project) and regional
knowledge networking and communities of practice, with support
from several international development cooperation agencies. Has coordinated
projects as: Open Data events DevCa2012, DevCa2013 and DevCa2016 La Cienaga Community telecentre the Caribbean Telecentre Alliance
ACT!ivate project, the Community Eco-Tourism
in La Cienaga, the La Cienaga agroprocesing Women's Cooperative the
regional Carisnet: Caribbean ICT stakeholders
Networking support project, and the Caribbean ICT
Virtual Community (CIVIC) moderation. Also the Bohio: virtual platform to
promote Dominican Haitian civil society dialogue and Kiskeya Alternative Destination -
on electronic commerce and sustainable tourism , the CACT-Dominicanos(telecentros) and Telecentres Haiti
/ HaitianTelecentres (French
/ Creole)
of a small Organic Farm EL TIZNAO, south coast of the Dominican
Republic (since July 2003)
Internet society,
Caribbean ICT Stakeholders Network CIVIC,
Associate of the UNDP Experts Network for the Area of Democratic
Governance (RS-LAC framework contractor) –
Caribbean Open Institute (COI)
Caribbean Evaluators Networks (CEI)
Virtual communities / networks moderation-animation:
institutional memberships
1996- 12/2002: Co founder and Project
Manager for
Kalalú (Afro
Caribbean Performing Arts Research and Training Lab )
1997-2000 member & co-founder of Fundación Cultural Bayahonda: (Identity, culture & development
in Dominican Rep.)
member of the Somos@Telecentros the "Latin American and
Caribbean Community Telecentres Network" and project
board comittee member (1999-2001)
Member and project officer of FUNREDES(1994-1998)
Short time Consulting updates
- Technical Assistance to the
EU delegation at United Nations, throughout the Global Digital
Compact (GDC) negotiations, and other multilateral digital
engagements - Support digital
files to the African and other diplomatic missions
from the Global South to the UN in New York. Improve the understanding,
mainly of DG INTPA, DG NEAR, and EUDELs on an ad-hoc basis, of
the multi-lateral digital engagements
April 2024- December
2025 for DG INTPA and the EU delegation at the UN via STANTEC
managed KHD facility
- Team leader - Feasibility
study for a (smart gov) cocreation space in Benin - part of
the BenInnovation CDT/GIZ-
Strengthening the digital transformation in Benin program --
Design, implementation of pilots - strategic planning.
March 2024 – February 2025 for the GIZ
via ASCTEC Global
- Team leader of “Technical Assistance Facility (TAF)
Digital/Science, Technology and Innovation/Space” to
support the European Union (EU) services
in the design and implementation of DG INTPA projects initiatives
and programmes in the fields of Digital for Development
(D4D) and Science, Technology
and Innovation, and Space Technologies & Earth Observation
in African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) group of states
and Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs). On demand
OCT 2022- Nov
2024 for European Commission via Luvent consulting
- Specific assignment: SAR04 (Dec 2022 Nov 2023) study
and design of a regional Next Generation Innovation Fund
Development action under the ‘Global Gateway Africa – Europe
Investment Package’, in line AU-EU Innovation Agenda.
- Specific assignment: SAR05: working with space observation
specialist to design 2 two pilot projects concept
notes - Improving seismic and volcanic risks prevention,
and responses in Guatemala, and Environmental and coral
reef monitoring in South East Asia , with newest technology combining
Earth Observation (EO) and Internet of Things (IOT) (2024)
- Member of the RedGealc Regional Working Group on Data
Governance and Artificial Intelligence, representing
the Caribbean Open Institute in this effort facilitated
by the OAS with the support of IDRC Canada., with the mandate
of the OAS Assembly to develop the *regional agenda of
governance, algorithms, and artificial intelligence.
as member of the Caribbean Open Institute (COI)
- Team Leader of D-LACAD: Latin America and Caribbean
Digital Advisory Services and thematic support to the European
DG INTPA (B2), LAC EU Delegations (EUDs), with the
and launch of the EU-LAC Digital Alliance. The
alliance includes a policy and regulatory dialogue pillar(on
Connectivty, AI, E-governance,
Data Governance, Cybersecurity), research and education
networking infrastructures (Bella 2 / Red Clara), EU-LAC
digital accelerator and two regional data centres to process
space imagery in Panama and
Feb 2021 – Feb 2024 for the European Commission via Luvent Consulting
- Coordinator of the action-research project exploring
the use AI and machine learning to support efforts to mitigate
online hate speech, fake news and historical distortions that
lead to stigmatization, discrimination and anti migrant violence.
Funded by Canadian International Development Research Centre
IDRC via the Caribbean Open Institute (COI) / University of the
West Indies (UWI) February 2024 - February 2025
- Development of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB)
Digital Inclusion Strategy 2025 as basis for future
Bank interventions in the ICT sector in general and support
other development sectors.
Includes updating digital assessment for the 57 member states,
design and validate investment strategy, action plans including
KPIs and estimated return of investments in digital transformation.
Sept 2022 - April 2023 for the Islamic Development Bank
- Team Leader Support for the development of the Southern
African Development Community Digital Transformation Strategy (SADC-DTS),
ref SIEA-2018-8465. Diagnostic, participative strategic planning,
detailed action plan.
March -August 2022. for
the European Commission with SAFEGE-SUEZ/Luvent consulting
- Temporarily
led the coordination of the global
Digital for Development (D4D) hub secretariat facilitating
the Team Europe approach and initiatives (joint actions
of European Commission, EU Members states agencies, European
Investment Bank –EIB- and non gov stakeholder’s) in digital
transformation programmes worldwide.
2021, for the European Commission- SAFEGE-SUEZ/Luvent consulting
- Alliance for Affordable
Internet (A4AI) Regional Coordinator
for Latin America and The Caribbean -.
Digital inclusion team, research, advocacy and organizing national coalitions
to promote the ICT policies and regulatory reforms that
will enable achieving the UN Broadband Commission Affordability
goals and Meaningful connectivity. Coordination of national
coalition engagement for policy development work in Guatemala
and Dominican Republic, regional digital agenda E-LAC2018
and elac2020 board. Global research and advocacy support
Part time June 2014 - Sept 2021 for the Web Foundation -
That included
- Facilitating the development of Digital Agenda implementation
framework in Guatemala
- Facilitating the development National Broadband Plan in Guatemala
- Facilitating the participative design of a new broadband
law in Dominican Republic that include review of the USF usage,
passive and active infrastructure sharing, permits single windows,
dividend transition plan (700 spectrum),
PPP to finance shared backhaul infrastructure in underserved
- Coordinating efforts so embedding gender
perspective and digital inclusion (target,
policies, projects budgets) in all ICT
policies inDominican Republic and Guatemala
- Support design Digital Policy
monitoring framework
- Facilitating the participative design
of ICT fiscal policy for Dominican
- Inputs on the infrastructure pillar
the regional ELAC2020
digital agenda for the region.
- Leading regional working ELAC2020
group on infrastructure 2018-2020-
- Facilitating the participative
design of Digital Agenda in Dominican
- Support to the Affordability
Report policy surveys, and to
the web foundation’s
team on gender digital divide
scorecard, algorithmic responsibility, artificial
intelligence and data
privacy in LAC, open data, tec.
- 2018-2021, sitting on
governing board of
the regional Elac2020
and Elac2022
- Team
Leader to Support for Digitalization and Competitiveness
in the Dominican Republic to asses the level of development
of digital economy and its impact on growth and
employment in the Dominican Republic with the focus
on the digitalization strategy and e-commerce platform design
for the SME cluster ACHADOM
2020 April 2021 For
TRADECOM program (European Commission/ACP
countries) project P120 via AESA -
- Team
leader research on the Role of Digital Technology
for Development in Belize: Assessment of Digital
Technology’s Role in Belize’s Private Sector, Gap Analysis
and Needs Assessment Recommendations for Government
Intervention to Promote Digital Adoption and Digital Transformation
in Belize’s Private Sector:
2020 -Dec 2020 For
the Inter-American Development Bank (IaDB)
and feasibility Coach” for the ShapingAgro
hackathon, gathering agriculture and food security
experts, techies and business people to design new
sustainable solutions to mitigate the impact of COVID -19
on agriculture and the country's food security -
For WEF Global Shapers - Dominican Rep. May 2020 .
technical assistance team member for participatory design
process of the universal
access sectoral policy and strategy in Benin and
10 month implementation - Oct. 2019- Oct 2021.
the Caribbean School of Data training
program in the Dominican Republic supported by Google Foundation,
to create data-management capacity and virtual employability
for youth in the digital economy, in partnership
with public Community Technology Centres CTC attached to
the vice-presidency in Dominican Republic
2019 Dec 2020 For
the Caribbean Open Institute and Google.org
Co-organisation of the DevCA 2019 hackaton
in the Dominican Republic on smart cites, smart communities
in collaboration with INTEC university incubator in
Dominican Republic
April May 2019 for the Caribbean Open Institute
Digital Skills Survey Project Design for the Compete
Caribbean Partnership Facility (CCPF), in
support to Caribbean Telecommunications Union CTU, to assess the demand and supply of digital skills
at the level of governments, private sector, labour, academia,
to meet the challenges posed by the new digital economy.
13 countries included.
March-June 2019 For the Inter-American Development Bank IADB.
Technical assistance to support the development of the Civil Society Participation component of the Program to Support Public Administration Reform
and the Quality of Public Services (PARAP II). Dominican
Republic, for the European Commission via Altair Asesores.
January 2019.
Design of the e-Government aspects of the State
Reform Program (PCRE III) action plan in Haiti –. for the European Commission via Baa Consultors.
FWC 2018/398838. October-November 2018
the Islamic Development Bank ICT (IsDB )Sector Policy (final
pdf result here) as basis for future IsDB interventions
in the ICT sector in general and support other development
sectors. The ICT for Inclusive Development policy and strategy
will impact the IsDB investments in its
57 member countries.
For the IsDB October 2018 – May 2019.
Support to TELCOR designing
a capacity building and training plan to promote the adoption
of digital applications by health and agriculture sector
stakeholders. Broadband for economic development project
funded by the IDB.
For the Inter-American Development Bank IADB.
June-October 2018
Field research on young women and
IT professionals for the AYITIC project
that seeks to increase young women's access to employment
in Haiti by building digital capacities in the
field of data management and Information Technology.
For LACNIC, IDRC funding.
: October-November 2017
Development and implementation of Outcome Mapping framework to monitor and evaluate
COI intervention in the AYITIC project
For the Caribbean Open
Institute : Sept 2017 - Feb 2018s
Support the development of a pilot on Open Data and Open contracting to support
governance and transparency pilot with Government of Haiti and
updating country diagnostic to support the design of a Telecommunications
and ICT strategic plan .
For the World Bank -June-July 2017
Team leader, for the programming of the 11th EDF envelope for the Wallis
and Futuna Overseas Territory, base on
the digital
development strategy. Mission d' Assistance
technique pour la programmation de l'enveloppe territoriale
du 11ème FED à Wallis et Futuna" Ref EuropeAid/132633/C/SER.
For the European Commission, July-November 2016.
Consultant for Open Data Readiness Assessment (ODRA)
and stratetegy report for Haiti.
For the World Bank. June 2016.
Training the COI research
team on the Outcome Mapping
Methodology for designing, monitoring and evaluating
regional research projects. February 2016
Consultant to develop Public policy recommendations
for the design of National Broadband plans and Strategies,
for the IDB/CANTO Broadband
Infrastructure Inventory and Public Awareness in the Caribbean
(BIIPAC) project, component 4, tranche B – (Suriname,
Dominican Republic, Guyana and Haiti) July-December 2015.
Teal leader, final evaluation of the PITDD program (2006-2014)
that supported the National GIS
center of Haiti - Chef de la "Mission d'évaluation
finale du Programme d'Informations Territoriales pour le Développement Durable – PITDD Haïti" Ref. 2015/357046/1
FWC– LOT 3. for the European Commission, May-November 2015.
Team leader for the "Design of the Implementation Strategy and Action
Plan for a Knowledge Management System for Barbados”
in the framework of the Human Resources Development Strategy.
Hired by ACE consultants for the European Commission. FWC-
Lot 9 2014/347-364. October 2014-May 2015.
Judge for the Agrihack Talent Caribbean. Its main
objective is to support the development of ICT innovations
and entrepreneurship in agriculture by young people. Organized
by the CTA, CARDI and other tech hubs. http://hackathon.ict4ag.org/ October
Mission to assess the feasibility of a “Emergent Sustainable City” hackaton in
Santiago de los Caballeros, second city of the Dominican Republic.
Review of the capacities, needs and data bases systems of several
public and private organisations, related to city management,
local and central government. Sustainable
Emergent cities programme of IDB. August 2014.
Research: Open
Data in Education projects in Mexico and Brasil "Early
Outcomes and lesson leaned" after one year
of implementation. (using Outcome Mapping Methodology)
. For the ILDA initiative
November 2014- March 2015.
For the Caribbean Open InstituteSector scoping studies. Education
and Open data readiness in 5 Caribbean countries. November
2014- March 2015.
Support and train the CKLN members NRENS and user
on Knowledge
management, portal and content management, communities of practice,
and other research oriented ICT application and services on
the Caribnet portal. Set up multilayer
regional user support systems for researchers. March - September
For the Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation, member of the Jury to select a national
initiative for the ATLA
award (1 million dollar grant). February 2014.
Pilot testing of survey and data collection
system for monitoring performance indicators of the education
services provided to 310,000 Afghan Refugees in Iran by
UNICEF and UNHCR. Hired by FHI360 for the UN High Commission
on Refugees. November-December 2013
Develop the education
Baseline Survey and setting up the monitoring system for
performance indicators on the education
provided to 310,000 Afghan Refugees in Iran, liaising with
Iran's with Ministry of Interior Refugee organisation,
Iran Ministry of Education, UNICEF and UNHCR. Hired by
FHI360 for the UN High Commission on Refugees. November
Team Leader for the Technical Assistance project to support the development of a knowledge management
framework and related services for the Caribbean Knowledge and
Learning Network - CKLN.
Ref ACP CONNECT 2012/305814. Implemented by ASTEC Global
Consultancy Ltd. for the European Commission. March-August
Coordinating the Ideathon and Hackaton "Developing
the Caribbean" #devca2013 in the Dominican Republic.:
Open Data for Education apps competition. For
Fundación Taiguey, Caribbean Open Institute, support
from IDRC and many government institutions as Oficina
Nacional de Estadística (ONE), el Ministerio de Educación
(MINERD) y la OPTIC (Oficina Presidencial de TIC), la
Dirección General de Ética e Integridad Gubernamental
(DGEIG), and the Iniciativa Dominicana por una Educación
de Calidad (IDEC)
Team Leader for the project "Strengthening the capacity of the Caribbean Regional Fisheries
Mechanism (CRFM) and its member states for information
and knowledge sharing on sustainable management of fisheries in
the Caribbean region" for the European Commission programme
ACP Fish II. Belize, Trinidad and Tobago, Saint Vincent
and the Grenadines, Barbados. October 2012 - March 2013
Conduction of a education Baseline Survey in refugee
Saharawi camps in the Algerian Sahara desert- setting
up the monitoring, capcity building and follow up with local
implementing partners using tablets and online databases.
Hired by FHI360 for the UN High Commission on Refugees UNHCR.
December 2012
– Open Data for Development project.: Research to identify
the potential of open data to better the quality of public education
in Dominican Republic, engage authorities
and other stakeholders, and prepare a roadmap to implement
a Open data policy, within ministry Domincian Republic Ministry
of Education
Facilitating participative assessment and strategic planning of the Caribbean
Open Institute. Areas included
are Open data, Open Government Data, web 2.0 research
communications and innovative evaluation
methodologies. October 2012 - June 2013
Phase 3 of the pilot projects using innovative mobile technologies to enhance
governance and citizens participation in participatory
budgeting process in municipalities.
Articulating the intervention of all (local and national)
government, NSAs and technological partners. For the World Bank
Institute (WBI) ICT4Gov Program Dominican Republic.
September-december 2012
Research/evaluation on the implementation of 4 rural development/telecentre based ICT projects
and organisation of a regional seminar on "lessons
learned, and up scaling perspectives". For Fundación
Taiguey and European Commission CTA : ACP EU centre for
technical cooperation in agriculture. August-Octobre
Participatory planning and capacity building in 6 vulnerable rural communities to
insert the use of information and communication tools (ICTs) for agricultural risk mitigation plans.
for the (FAO) Food and Agriculture Organization. Dominican
Republic. June 2012 April 2013.
Capacity Building to Caribbean Intermediary Business
Organisations for the strategic use of the COM4DEV platform for
Knowledge Sharing and Transfer – for the European Commission
/ Centre for Development of the enterprise Caribbean Regional.
May 2012
Review of application and fact cheeking application of national
project preselected for the ITLA international award to be awarded
by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The prize (one million
dollar in cash) was finally awarded to this projetc, the CTC
(centros tecnologicos comunitarios) of the Dominican Republic.
April 2012 .
Coordinating the Dominican
Rep part of the regional project “Developing the Caribbean” which
included (1) seminar to sensitize public decision makers
about Open Data and Open Government and
(2) contest “code sprint” for young developers team on Open
data applications . January February 2012 .
Designed a strategy for decentralized e-delivery of government
services to reduce disparities in access to information and services among rural communities
in Suriname through the use of ICTs. For the
UNDP and Ministry of Transport Communications and Tourism of
Suriname. Novembre-Decembre 2011
Team Leader and Capacity Building Expert for the Project "Capacity Building
for ACP Intermediary Organisations using COM4DEV for Knowledge
Sharing and Transfer – ACP/6387". Includes Train the
trainers workshops in Senegal, Ghana, Cameroon, Congo,
Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Botswana, Zambia, Dominican
Republic, Barbados and Fiji. Implemented by SOGES S.p.a,
for DEVCO/European Commission and the PRO€INVEST program
of the Centre for the Development of the Enterprise (CDE).
June-September 2011
Coordinating field implementation of pilot project to enhance citizens engagement with
the Participatory Budgeting processes in 2 municipalities of
the Dominican Republic, using Mobile SMS and web based Crowd-mapping/crowd-sourcing applications,
trainers training at the federation of municipalities (FEDOMU),
design and setting up municipal PB information systems.
For the World Bank ICT4Governance
program March-June 2011
Organsing the
IN THE CARIBBEAN” Dominican Republic, 28-29 April 2011
with the Technical
Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA)
Set-up of the Caribbean Private Sector Observatory on the COM4DEV community/platform for
Intermediary Organization (IOs) and Business Support Organizations
(BSOs). Knowledge Management, Information Processes, Add-value
Services design, Networking, Training and mentoring of stakeholders.
Hired by SOGEROM for the PROINVEST program,
funded by the European Commission. Decembre 2010-March
Creation and launch of the Caribbean
Open Forum that will support information exchange and knowledge
building between Caribbean stakeholders in the 3 areas
of "Open Data", "Outcome Mapping for Monitoring & Evaluation
(OMM)" and "Communicating research for more effective
policy making “impact 2.0”). It hosts
networking and promotes regional collaborative initiatives,
towards building the Caribbean Open Institute. Contracted
by the IDRC-Canada Decembre 2010-March 2011
Institutional Capacity Assessment (ICA) of 26 Caribbean
Organisations, agencies porposed for implementation under
the EPA Implementation and Social Development Project Identification
Project Fiches of the 10th EDF Regional Indicative Program
for CARIFORUM/CARICOM Hired by Safege/IDC/Artemis consortium
framework contractors for European Commission (Guyana).
Field mission in Guyana, Barbados, Dominican Rep., Haiti,
Belize and Trinidad and Tobago. September-Decembre 2010
Organization of the "Caribbean Telecentres Bridge to Rural Development" contest for the Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) (ACP-EU Cotonou Agreement)
. October 2010-March 2011
Field assessment and design of a project to use ICT (including community radios and cell/mobile based
applications) to support small farmers to
better the commercialisation of crops in the central border
between Haiti and Dominican Republic (Bánica, Pedro Santana,
Cerca-la-Source, Thomassique), hired by GFA
consulting for GTZ Artibonite Binational Project August
Organisational development and strategic planning for the creation of the Association of Arab Research
Networks partner of the EUMEDCONNECT regional research networking
project. Organizing and facilitating the strategic planning
Workshops (Cairo Jan. 2010, Brussels March 2010, Algiers
July 2010, Rome Nov 10, 2010, and ASREN launch event Cairo
Dec 8th 2010c) and working group coordination to ensure creation
of the new ASREN consortium. For the European
Commission EUMEDCONNECT2 project managed
by DANTE - January–Decebre 2010
Design and set up of a project to create the Algerian Community
Technology Centers Academy: a training
center for public and private community ICT access centers
trainers facilitators and managers. For the Ministry of ICT / Algerian Government. March–Decembre 2010
Final external evaluation of a regional project to provide permanent
online and distance support ICT community ICT centres /
telecentre managers of all Latin America and the Caribbean.
Funded and Canadian government agency IDRC and
implemented by CEPES of Peru. November 2009 - February 2010
Strengthening of the capacity of the Nature Guides Association of the border town
of Pedernales, design of binational (Haiti-Dominican
Rep) agro-eco-tourism products. Hired
by PADF (Pan American Development
Foundation) under a IDB/FOMIN project fund to support
grassroots organisation AGUINAPE. October 2009 - January 2010
Support the establishment of a community ICT access enter in Port au Prince, Haiti, capacity building
of the local NGO team. For the International
Telecommunications Union ITU. July 2010
Team leader for the "Boosting ICTs in the Dominican Republic" project, Support to the local Chamber of Commerce, to build
roadmap's and agendas ICT sector competitiveness, including
public-private partnerships and building national and Caribbean
ICT private sector organizations. Coordination
of the organization of an
international event. A project supported by BizClim, a joint initiative
of the ACP Group of States and the European Commission under the 9th
EDF. April-June 2009
Coordinating Taigüey's multimedia content development for
youth at risk project, funded by UNESCOAugust 2009-January
For UNDP Egypt: preparation
of a project proposal and 2 concepts notes on e-waste management; e-government
services outreach through mobile and IT clubs,
and a partnership project with spanish NGO Esplai to set up
the national telecentre academy. Field mission in Egypt. December 2008 - January
Coordination of the Caribbean
ICT stakeholders CIVIC 2.0 event, for the Caribean Information Society Networking Consortium (CarISneT),
Dominican Republic, funded by IDRC November 2008
Coordination of the Alliance of Caribbean
Telecentres support project, ACT!ivate , for Foundation
Taigüey (part time, August 2008, Dec 2009)
Assessment of the ICT business sector in Rwanda to
input the feasibility of Loans
Guarantee mechanism. that will be set by the USAID with the local private
banks. Evaluated sector and company profiles,
financial needs, borrowing history and capacity, market
opportunities and constraints. Hired by Chemonics International / Crimson Capital consortium
for the USAID. Field mission in Rwanda, June 2008
Assessing the level of ICT based decision making in public and private
business organisations, and delivering
workshops and one-on-one meetings informing decision
makers about state-of-the-art Information Systems as management decision support tools.
In St Kitts and Nevis, 3 short missions, for the European Commission funded ITTMP
project, February- to May 2008
Feasibility study and design of the ICTech programme to support rural SMEs
via Telecentre networks, to be launched
in the Islamic Development Bank Member
Countries. Design of the ICTech 2nd generation telecentre
support mechanism. Field missions in Egypt, Uganda, and Malaysia, October
2007 - July 2008
Project Coordinator, Caribbean Information Society
Networking support project phase 2 (CarISnet-2), for the Fundación
Taigüey, Caribbean - Mar. 2008-May 2009
Team leader for the Identification and formulation
of the next Regional Information Society Programme in the
Euro-Mediterranean region. Priority areas: IS policy and dialogue, Electronic
communication regulations, R&D in ICTS, Research and
innovation networks, E-content convergence. Working for IBM
global services for the European Commission. Field
mission in Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Jordan.
September-January 2007.
Technical Assistance to strengthen de Community Ecotourism Network in Southwest of
Dominican Republic, (Red Enriquillo Ecoturismo Comunitario), contracted
by the Spanish
cooperation Araucaria Programme. June-December 2007
Design of the methodology and implementation plan - tender
dossier "E-Business incubator project" (EU SFA 05 funds) in St Vincent and the Grenadines. For Ikesol/Integration consulting company. August
Support to the Madintech/Novatech regional ICT event (Martinique,
June 1007) organization, in particular in screening Caribbean
ICT companies candidates for CDE support, facilitating
B2B business contacts and guest
speaker at the opening event ("Building the Caribbean ICT
industry: Elements from and for a regional perspective"). On
behalf of CDE. Martinique June 2007
Field support for design and start up of the "Employment Capacity Building Initiative for At-Risk
Youth in the Countries of the OECS" (),
to support/develop ICT training programs in partnership
with local organisations. For the POETA
program of the Trust of the Americas of the Organizations
of American States OEA/ OAS Field mission in Antigua
and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St Vincent and the Grenadines,
St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia - April/May 07
Prospective research on the strategic perspective
of the telecentre.org programme (horizon 2010),
through a consultation of key social investors, stakeholders
and developing world partners. For the for the International Development
Research Centre Dec.-06-Jan07
Research Analyst Monograph research: indicators of the collective access to ICTs,
public Telecentres review, for the Dominican Rep National
Statistics Office Jan-October 2007
Technical assistance for feasibility study and drafting of
financial proposal: “Use of Information and Communication Technology for Improving
Education, Diversification and Competitiveness (ICT4EDC)
in St. Kitts and Nevis” Main expert. European Commission EDF
funding / IBF consortium / Baa consultores. (May-September
General Coordination and organisation of the first Caribbean Community Telecentres Workshop. Santo Domingo July 20-22, 2006
(for Fund. Taiguey) and follow task force for the design of
a regional project (June-August 06)
Workshop facilitator on “governance and ICT for municipal and local government”.
Eleventh Inter-American Conference
of Mayors and Local Authorities", June 2006, for the Inter
American Foundation. see
Introduction presentation (in spanish)
Coordinator to set up of a task force of ICT intermediary organisations (chambers
of commerce, investment promotion, professional associations) in the Caribbean region . (PWC- For Pro€invest/CDE)
January 2006
Senior Regional Coordinator for the Caribbean Novatech2005 project
for promoting investment in the ICT sector in the Caribbean". Includes regional sectoral studies, investment opportunities
identification and proposal development, and a regional
partnership meeting. Implemented by a PriceWaterhouseCoopers-France
led consortium, for Pro-invest/CDE and funded by the European
Commission. (March-November 2006)
CarISnet Project Coordinator
: Caribbean Information Society Networking support project.
(for Fund. Taiguey).2004-2007
BOHIO Project
Coordinator : virtual platform to establish a dialogue between
Dominican and Haitian Civil society organisations and development
agencies. (for Fund. Taiguey). 2004-2007.
“Feasibility Study for the implementation of the CARICOM
/ CARIFORUM Action Plan to support regional integration (CSME) under
Caribbean Regional Indicative Programme " funded by the European
Commission and awarded to WM Global Partners-ECF S.p.A. Organisational
Development Expert - Nov-04/Feb-05.
"Lessons learned" study of the UNDP/PPS project to support the ecotourism
community project of "Sonido del Yaque - Los
Calabazos" in Jarabacoa province of the Dominican Republic.
ICT4D / IS Expert Feasibility Study for an ICT Program
for ACP Countries. Trigrammic CC -South Africa)
"Feasibility study: the future of the ICT regulatory
and institutional framework and establishment and development
of the Information Society in the Caribbean". ICT
expert and Team Leader - Contracted by Schlumberger
Sema/ Eurostrategies for the European Commision. March/June
Community Outreach Specialist of the PADECO (Japan.) / AED (USA) team - Technical
assistance to the Government of Jamaica for the IDB
funded ICT project. , Kingston, Jamaica, July 29th
- October, 28th 2003.
Diagnostic and Design of Community Ecotourism Development
Plan for the Lakes Area - For
the bi-national "Transborder Environmental Program" (Programme
Environnemental Transfrontalier / Programa Medioambiental
Transfronterizo): - on both sides of the Dominican-Haitian
border, a project implemented by The Ministry of Agriculture
of Haiti and the Ministry of Environment of the Dominican
Republic, with the support of the European Union - Caribbean
Environmental Program. (March-August 2003)
Volunteer moderation of the Caribbean
ICT stakeholders Virtual Community (CIVIC) March 2003
- May 2005
Setting up the Caribbean
ICT stakeholders Virtual Community (CIVIC) and Coordination
its Thematic Working Groups for the development a Regional
ICT action plan. For the Institute for Connectivity in the
Americas (ICA). (January-March 2003)
For the Institute for the Connectivity
in The Americas (ICA): : coordinating the organization
of the ICT
Caribbean roundtable / ICA-ITU consultation in
Barbados (October 28-30, 2002) and identifying/consulting
ICT4Dev stakeholders in Central America. (June-November
Assessing Dominican Republic public ICT policies social impact,
For the Latin American ICT Observatory (OLISTICA) project
of Funredes- June- December 2002
Advisor and researcher for a regional pilot project on ICT
(information and communication technologies) in non formal
and formal education in rural areas “Navegantes” coordinated
by Raices Magicas (Colombia) and founded by IDRC ; ( January
2002 Dec 2003) http://yacine.net/pub/raices-magicas
Coordinating Kalalu's integral
intervention in Los
Mercedes (Dominican Rep.), a poor rural community
: including community informatics program for youth and women,
environment preservation and organic agriculture, education
and literacy program, identity and cultural expression
workshop (facilitator for web workshop). (June 2001 - Dec
ember 2002)
Member of the "Evaltica" task
force: building
a ICT evaluation framework for the International
Development Research Center (IDRC) and partners (November –2000
- November 2001): also see a draft
paper here
Project promotion and participatory design of the BOHIO Project:
Information System and Virtual Community for the Dominican
and Haitian civil society and development organizations
cooperation (http://funredes.org/bohio) with Kalalú, Funredes, and Graph. (2001-2002)
Evaluating Consultant of the "Capacity Development for
Internet Use in Latin America and the Caribbean" - a
program of the International
Development Research Center - IDRC, Canada. January 1999
- December 2001 : See final
report and lessons learned here
Case Study of the Infocentros network
of telecenters and franchise
model in El Salvador, for theWorld Resources Institute, Digital Dividend project,
towards the G8 Dot Force meeting of July 2001. (Executive Summary
here) April 2001. Full paper at http://yacine.net/pub/InfocentrosFinal.pdf
Member of a coordination group for an IDB (Interamerican Development Bank) regional
project formulation on IT and rural development (June
Training workshop: Information Technologies for Alternative
Communication and Community Radios, with SAKS, Port au
Prince Haiti. February 2001:
Coordination and implementation of several projects for Fundación
Cultural Bayahonda and Kalalú-Danza, in the culture, identity & development area,
including, community work (animation and education), cultural
activities, research programs, events organization, etc. (1996-2001),
Facilitator of community workshops using the Web and ICTs
for cultural identity and social creativity as for Batey 6 and Los
Informal debate at the Algerian presidency: establishing
a National Information
Technology Strategy and Action Plan. (January 2001)
Presentation of research findings at the Algerian Economic
Reform and State Participation "ICTs for privatization promotion
and foreign investment attraction". See summary here (January
Assessment, curriculum development, Internet use systematization
and community trainers training, for the Center
for Alternative Rural Alternative (telecentre) of El Limón
de Ocoa (Dominican Republic). Support from Inter American
Foundation. Starting November 2000 -
Member of the advisory board of the "Latin American
and Caribbean Community Telecentres project" TELELAC
project of CHASQUINET. Starting
January 2000 - December 2002
Launching and moderation of "SALSA" multilingual
forum on cultural issues in the Caribbean . Moderator Since
May 2000:
As an external consultant for the Networks and Development
Foundation (FUNREDES) work on several projects
as "Social Impact of Information Technologies in Latin America
–(Mistica)" "Caribbean
Integration Through Information Technologies (Caritic)", "Caribbean
Culture Network (SALSA)"; December
1998, April and December 1999 - February 2000 - May 2000
In Haiti: Consultant for the Haitian Research
and Development Network (May 1998- Feb. 1999) End
user training & support organization; content development
and network animation; local staff training; Information
Technologies applications for development projects with
NGOs. special projects TIC application to developmental
Trainer at the Transfer FFTI
Workshop in Port au Prince Haiti. (November 1998)
Seminar content coordination on Information
Technologies for Rural Development & Community Media (for
SAKS (NGO Haiti) and TDG (Canada),
port au Prince Haiti - May 1998
Consultant for KLZ consulting firm (Algeria/Spain) - Sept.
1997- February 1998
Research: The State of the Art in Finance and Investment
applications on the Internet
Project design: Foreign Investment attraction and
privatization promotion through the Internet (confidential
documents) See Executive
Summary here
Research coordinator: Creativity in Santo Domingo Carnival (for Kalalú-Danza) Feb.
/ March 1998:
Executive production staff for the Bayahonda Cultural Foundation of
the 1st Festival for the Island (Dominican Rep
/ Haiti 25-29 March 1998)
and 5th "Artistas por el Gaga"
activities prior to this date (and they're few!) please ask
for my full CV
Events and conferences (not
updated since 2008)
November 26-28, 2008 in Montevideo, Uruguay
.Participant at the workshop IDRC CEA/ICA All-Partners' Meeting,
Presented CarISnet org 2.0 video:
November 24th 2008Barbados Speaker at
the 1st CARIFORUM/EU Business Forum, (presented building
the Caribbean ICT sector)
November 14th 2008, Santo domingo, Organized
the "Dialogue and collaboration venues for construction of
the Caribbean Information Society " at UNIBE university and
presented "CIVIC
and org 2.0 before the web 2.0"
Organizer of the CIVIC
2.0 event, CarISneT Consortium, Juan Dolio Dominican
Republic, November 2008 12-15
Dakar Senegal: September 26-30 2008, participant
in the Gender and Agriculture/Rural Development in the Information
Society (GenARDIS) workshop, Organized by APC women network,
Barcelona, Spain, 22-24 september, participant
in the global telecentres academy workshop, organized by by
Foundation Esplai.
Port au Prince Haiti, 29-30 May 2008,
ICT for regional integration and development : 1er Sommet des
APPLICATIONS des NTIC au service du développement de la région
Caribéenne, organized by the State University of Haiti (Faculté des
Sciences de l’UEH)
Lima, Peru, March 2008, workshop for the
telecentres operators helpdesk, organized by CEPES.
Kinsgton, Jamaica, March 2008, speaker
at the Jamaica Community Multimedia Centre Conference organized
Kuala Lumpur, Maysia, Dec 2007, particpant
in the Global Knowledge 3 evant and the Telcentre Leaders Forum.
Martinique June 2007 Madintech/Novatech regional ICT event guest
speaker at the opening event ("Building the Caribbean
ICT industry: Elements from and for a regional perspective").
On behalf of CDE.
few here)
July 20-22, 2006 General Coordination and
organisation of the first Caribbean Community
Telecentres Workshop. Boca Chica, Rep Dominicana.
21 June 2006 Workshop
facilitator on
“governance and ICT for municipal and local governements
” Eleventh Inter-American Conference
of Mayors and Local Authorities", , for the Inter
American Foundation. Introductory
presentation (in spanish).
Miami, USA.
April 21st-23rd, 2006 Participant Conference
on Access to Knowledge, on , at Yale Law School. Information
Society Project at Yale Law School. Yale, USA.
2 y 3 de febrero 2006. Participant Taller
de validacion de --dominicana e
la Comisión Nacional para la Sociedad
de la Información para que la República Dominicana. Santo
Domingo. Rep Dominicana.
19-21 de febrero de 2006. Participant Taller
Telecentros para la "metodologia ACTA del
BID para sostenibilidad de Telecentros" Puerto Plata. Rep
May 8-10 2003.Main facilitator Ecotourismo en las zona de los lagos / ecotourisme
dans la zone des lacs. Principal facilitator - Programme
Environnemental Transfrontalier / Programa Medioambiental
Transfronterizo. Foret des Pins, Haiti.
4 de Abril 2006 Presentación: del proyecto BOHIO en la Feria Binacional de Dajabon.,
Rep dominicana
18 de abril 2006 co-organizador, encuentro
de organizaciones de la sociedad civil interesadas en la formación
de una red binacional dominico-haitiana de la sociedad civil.
Casa San Pablo, Santo Domingo. Rep Dominicana.
5-7 December 05. Participant and speaker..CARDICIS.
Presented the Mapping
regional ICT project in the Caribbean. Juan Dolio Domincan
29-30 Nov 2005. Participant. Regional
ICT4D consultation Consulta Regional
de Expertos en TIC y Desarrollo del Programa Pan Américas del CIID (IDRC/PAN/ICA).
Montevideo, Uruguay.
25-27 October 2005. Senior Regional Coordinator. Novatech2005 Investment
conference "promoting investment in the ICT sector in the Caribbean". Santo Domingo, Dominican
July-Septembre 2005. Main Facilitator.
One day workshops with ICT companies and entreprises in preparation
of Novatech2005. in:
- Surinam (with KKF the local Chamber
of Commerce)
- Guyana (with the investement promotion
agency Go-Invest)
- Domincan Republic (with 4 ministries
and many intermediary organisations)
- Haiti (with the Haitian ICT entreprise
Association AHTIC)
25-27 February 2005 Participant Taller
de las Américas - Planificación de Productos y Servicios de
la Red de Apoyo a Telecentros. Telecentre
Support Network Product and Services Planning – Americas
Workshop. Vancouver, Canada.
Dec 04 - Main
Facilitator first bonational BOHIO meeting
between Dominican and Haitian Civil society organisations
and development agencies. (for Fund. Taiguey) Barahona
(missing few here)
June 2004 - Main
Facilitator 2 day "logframe" or logical
framework in Guyana for the Feasibility
study: the future of the ICT regulatory and institutional
framework and establishment and development of the Information
Society in the Caribbean". ICT
expert and Team Leader - for the European
Commision. rproject
(missing some here)
May 13-16 2003 Participant "TICs
al Servicio del Desarrollo Humano
en Centro América" , San Salvador. co-organized by OEA,
April 1-2, 2003 Participant Actores
sociales en el Caribe y el derecho a la comunicación en la
Sociedad de la Información. WACC Caribbean workshop.
Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago.
March 5-7 2003:Participant Turismo
rural y ecoturismo como complemento de Sol y Playa . . Secretaría de Turismo de Rep Dominicana.
Santo Domingo. Dominican Republic.
January 8, 2003 "Socinfodo" Speaker Reunión de información/reflexión para la sociedad civil
CMSI/WSIS RD. Santo Domingo Dominican Republic,
9-11 December. Speaker.
2002 Symposium
international « les technologies de l’information et de
la communication et la société de l’information: Enjeux et
perspectives ». Alger Algeria. Presented 10 enseignements sur les Télécentres
en Amérique Latine
October 28-30, 2002 General coordinator First ICT
Caribbean roundtable - an ICA/ITU consultation in
September 14-18 2002. Participant Reunión de
Consulta Regional consulta regional con vistas a la Cumbre
Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información (Ginebra, diciembre
2003) , bajo el título: “Foro Internacional: América Latina y el Caribe en
la Sociedad de la Información”. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
March 17-24 2002 :Participant "Apropiación
de tecnologías de la información y comunicación en América
Latina" Encuentro de Experiencias y Taller Internacional, Lima & Cajamarca,
Peru. Oganized by ITDG Peru.
April 2002 Co-organization
and speaker Bohio Project information
meetings in Santo Domingo and Port au Prince.
January / Enero, Workshop instructor. 27-30
2002: Taller del proyecto "Pensar el uso de la Internet en
la educaicación formal y no formal en America LAtina y el Caribe" -
Ocaña, Colombia.
December 6th and 7th, 2001 Participant. Meeting
of G-15 Experts on Science & Technology, Caracas,
November 26-29, 2001: Participant. Sustainable
Tourism Stewardship Council workshop in Belize city.
Junio 14-16 2001 :Participant. Taller "Las Tecnologías de
la Información y el Desarrollo Local en Centroamérica y el
Caribe" Banco Intermaericano de Desarrollo, Managua,
Nicaragua: Documento presentado: Recomendaciones (a gobiernos y agencias) para
el diseño e implementación de proyectos nacionales o regionales
de apoyo o promoción de telecentros .
28 de Mayo al 02 de Junio 2001: Participant. IV Taller
sobre Tecnologia de Redes Internet para America Latina
y el Caribe Taller
5 Internet y Sociedad, Merida, Venezuela.
1-3 March 2001 Participant. Second Regional
Meeting of the MISTICA network (Information Technologies
Sopcial Impact), Santo Domingo, Dominican Rep.
February 2001: Main Instructor Workshop:
Information Technologies, Alternative Comunications, Community
Radios and Rural Development, with SAKS, Port au Prince Haiti.
January 2001:
December 12-17 2000. Participant "EVALTICA Workshop" : building
a ICT evaluation framework for IDRC and partners, Heredia,
Costa Rica.
November 17-19, 2000 Participant Ecotourism & Sustainable
Tourism Certification Workshop, , sponsored by the Institute
for Policy Studies, with the support of the Ford Foundation,
Mohonk Mountain Center, New York USA
September 25-29 2000 Participant Recapitulemos
(rechapter): workshop of Pan American Networking
program of the International Development Research Center -
IDRC, Picton, Ontario Canada.
September 22-24 2000Participant "Mixed Media / Medios Enteros:" Community
radios and the Internet, Tampa Florida.USA
August 25 - 27, 2000 Participant Caribbean
and Western Atlantic Association of Marine & Aquatic Educators
Workshop & Conference, Cayman Brac Island.
July 20-22 2000 co-organization of the Ecotourism Conference
In The Dominican Republic Hacienda Muriel, Manoguayabo,
Dominican Republic.
March 25-31 2000 Participant Coordination
Workshop for the "Latin American and
Caribbean Telecenter Network: Sharing lessons learned and strengthening
its action for civil society" TELELAC project of CHASQUINET
March 16-18, 2000 Latin American Studies
Association conference, LASA 2000 in Miami USA
. Panel Tourism, Communities And Environments In
Latin America And The Caribbean (note: my paper was accepted
but could not attend due to lack of financial support)
February 3-4 2000: Participant Euro-Latin
American Information Society Initiative (EUROLAT-IS) Workshop
in Antigua, Guatemala "E-commerce and new
ways of working"
November 30th December 3rd 1999: Participant Workshop"Constructing
a National Agenda for Ecotourism in Dominican Republic" with
C.A.D. (Consorcio Ambiental Dominicano) and Rare - Center
for Tropical Conservation - Jarabacoa Dominican Republic.
4-6 October 1999:Participant International
Workshop on Electronic Commerce and Sustainable Tourism in
the Americas, Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial Quito,
Ecuador. by the Research Consortium on Electronic Commerce
and Sustainable Tourism, support from IDRC.
Sept. 31 -October 1 1999. Participant Reunion
Latinoamericana y Caribeña, Red de Telecentros, Far Hills,
September 28 - October 1, 1999 Participant Working
Session on Telecentre Evaluation: A Global Perspective, PAN Networking
Program, IDRC/CRDI in Far Hills, Quebec
Sept. 10-12 1999 speaker International
Conference on Sustainable Development, Halifax, Nova
Scotia Canada, paper presented "Une
perspective de l ’écotourisme, la République Dominicaine
(et Haïti)"
June 27 1999: Workshop with community
environmental associations on ecotourism and the Kiskeya Alternativa
project, Sabana de la Mar, Dominican Republic
April 1999: Participant Regional
Meeting on the Social Impact
of Information Technologies in Latin America and the Caribbean -
Samana, Dominican Republic.
November 1998: Trainer at
the Transfer FFTI
Workshop in Port au Prince Haiti.
15-16 July 1998:Participant Infodev - World Bank Meeting
in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
July 1998:Participant WALC 98 Internet
summit, Latin American and Caribbean Networks -
Meeting, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
May 1998: Main Facilitator on Information
Technologies for Rural Development & Community Media (for
SAKS (NGO Haiti) and TDG (Canada),
port au Prince Haiti.
Note: other
workshops and traning that I facilitated prior